Accelerate Your Business Central Build Pipelines with Independence and Flexibility.

ALOps Build Agent is a state-of-the-art service designed to empower customers with build pipelines on GitHub or DevOps, providing them with fast and efficient infrastructure. Our agents are specifically configured with "Business Central" in mind, delivering preconfigured hardware and software optimized to run Business Central-specific pipelines at maximum speed.

Accelerate your Business Central build pipelines with ALOps Build Agent and experience unparalleled speed, reliability, and efficiency. Enjoy the independence and flexibility to choose from a range of tools such as ALOps, BCContainerHelper, AL-Go for GitHub, or your own custom scripts, while leveraging our high-performance infrastructure to optimize your development workflow.

Your pipelines will run faster than ever before, enabling you to deliver high-quality software efficiently.

Complete documentation about ALOps Build Agent can be found on docs.alops.be

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Key Features

Streamlined Infrastructure
ALOps Build Agent offers a streamlined infrastructure setup that eliminates the need for manual configuration. This saves you valuable time and effort, allowing you to quickly get up and running with your build pipelines.
Enhanced Performance
Our build agents are fine-tuned to execute Business Central pipelines as fast as possible. Leveraging advanced hardware and optimized software, they ensure that your builds complete swiftly, increasing overall productivity.
Seamless Integration
ALOps Build Agent seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems like GitHub and DevOps. Whether you use ALOps Build Steps in DevOps (ALOps), BCContainerHelper, AL-Go for GitHub, or your own custom scripts hosted on either GitHub or DevOps, our agents adapt to your toolset and workflow.
Reliable and Scalable
With a focus on reliability, ALOps Build Agent can handle pipelines of any scale, making it suitable for small development teams or large enterprises. You can rely on our agents to consistently and efficiently handle your build demands.
Cost-Effective Solution
ALOps Build Agent eliminates the need for costly infrastructure investments. By providing access to high-performance build agents without the burden of hardware and software maintenance costs, it offers a cost-effective solution for optimizing your pipelines
Automated Maintenace and Updates
We take care of the maintenance and updates of the build agents, ensuring you always have access to the latest features and optimizations. This allows you to focus on your core development tasks while we handle the agent maintenance.
Secure Environment
ALOps Build Agent provides a secure environment for your build pipelines, implementing robust security measures to protect your source code and intellectual property throughout the build process.
Expert Support
Our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any queries or issues you may encounter. We prioritize customer satisfaction and are committed to ensuring a smooth experience with our service.


€ 250 / month / server - all inclusive and 24/7 availability.


For ALOps Build Agent related questions, visit our Q&A.